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Science and innovation
Federal Science Libraries Network
National Science Library
NRC Digital Repository
Albums: NRC Archives Photographs
Biology Medical Research
National Research Council Canada
1st Heart Patient to Receive Laser Treatments by Dr. W. Keon 001
1st Heart Patient to Receive Laser Treatments by Dr. W. Keon 002
1st Heart Patient to Receive Laser Treatments by Dr. W. Keon 003
1st Heart Patient to Receive Laser Treatments by Dr. W. Keon 004
1st Heart Patient to Receive Laser Treatments by Dr. W. Keon 005
Accelerator Centrifuge 1941
Apparatus for Holding Mouse During Surgery c.1978
Biology Medical Research 001
Biology Medical Research 002
Blood Research, Halifax 1949
Effects of Chronic Exposure to Alumina Silica and other Dusts 001
Effects of Chronic Exposure to Alumina Silica and other Dusts 002
Effects of Chronic Exposure to Alumina Silica and other Dusts 003
Effects of Chronic Exposure to Alumina Silica and other Dusts 004
Effects of Chronic Exposure to Alumina Silica and other Dusts 005
Franks Anti-Gravity Suit 1944
Lupus Erythematosis 1949-1951 001
Lupus Erythematosis 1949-1951 002
Lupus Erythematosis 1949-1951 003
Measurement of the Islets of Langerhans- University of Toronto
Negative Ions- Stress and Health (S.D. Article) Dr. Olivier Heroux, Mrs. I Ben-Tchautchavadze 001
Negative Ions- Stress and Health (S.D. Article) Dr. Olivier Heroux, Mrs. I Ben-Tchautchavadze 002
Negative Ions- Stress and Health (S.D. Article) Dr. Olivier Heroux, Mrs. I Ben-Tchautchavadze 003
Negative Ions- Stress and Health (S.D. Article) Dr. Olivier Heroux, Mrs. I Ben-Tchautchavadze 004
Negative Ions- Stress and Health (S.D. Article) Dr. Olivier Heroux, Mrs. I Ben-Tchautchavadze 005
Negative Ions- Stress and Health (S.D. Article) Dr. Olivier Heroux, Mrs. I Ben-Tchautchavadze 006
Sir Frederick Banting (In Memorium) 1918-1941
Southhampton Island Blood Sample c.1947
Studies in Body Movement July 1948 001
Studies in Body Movement July 1948 002
Studies in Metabolism- Royal Victoria
Study of Experimental Coronary Sclerosis 1948
University of Manitoba Cardiac Catheterization Unit 001
University of Manitoba Cardiac Catheterization Unit 002
Use of Radioactive Elements- McGill University
Winnipeg General Hospital Testing for Peripheral Circulation
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