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Gouvernement du Canada
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Science and innovation
Federal Science Libraries Network
National Science Library
NRC Digital Repository
Albums: NRC Archives Photographs
Administration Special Events 1955-1959
National Research Council Canada
10th Soil Mechanics Conference 1956
Annual Resource Conference- Plant Physiology 1957
British Commonwealth Scientific Organization 1958 001
British Commonwealth Scientific Organization 1958 002
Calabogie 1957
Canadian Roads Association- Award to NRC Scientist I.C. MacFarlane- President's Medal 1958-59
Canadian Symposium on Melting, Diffusion and Related Topics Oct. 1955
Conference-Physics-International on 'Electron Transport in Metals and Solids' Sept. 10-14 1956 001
Conference-Physics-International on 'Electron Transport in Metals and Solids' Sept. 10-14 1956 002
Engineering Research Ottawa Dec. 1955 001
Engineering Research Ottawa Dec. 1955 002
Engineering Research Ottawa Dec. 1955 003
Engineering Research Ottawa Dec. 1955 004
Engineering Research Ottawa Dec. 1955 005
Engineering Research Ottawa Dec. 1955 006
Engineering Research Ottawa Dec. 1955 007
Engineering Research Ottawa Dec. 1955 008
Illustrations 'The Staggering North' M. Thistle 1956 001
Illustrations 'The Staggering North' M. Thistle 1956 002
Illustrations 'The Staggering North' M. Thistle 1956 003
International Congress of Libraries and Documentation Conference 1955
International Geophysical Year Visit to the North Jan. 30 1957 001
International Geophysical Year Visit to the North Jan. 30 1957 002
International Geophysical Year Visit to the North Jan. 30 1957 003
International Geophysical Year Visit to the North Jan. 30 1957 004
International Geophysical Year Visit to the North Jan. 30 1957 005
International Geophysical Year Visit to the North Jan. 30 1957 006
Mrs. Steacie, Mrs. Zimmerman Tour Hydraulics Lab Nov. 1956
NRC Broomball Champs 1956
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 001
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 002
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 003
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 004
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 005
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 006
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 007
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 008
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 009
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 010
NRC Council Visit to North 1956 011
Photo for International Trade Fair 1955
Pres. Sukarno (of Indonesia) visits NRC June 4 1956 001
Pres. Sukarno (of Indonesia) visits NRC June 4 1956 002
Queen Elizabeth Antarctica Nov. 1956
Research and Development Expenditures in USA-UK-Canada 1939-1959 001
Research and Development Expenditures in USA-UK-Canada 1939-1959 002
Research and Development Expenditures in USA-UK-Canada 1939-1959 003
Research and Development Expenditures in USA-UK-Canada 1939-1959 004
Retirement Dr. E.R. Birchard 1957
Retirement Dr. E.R. Eagleson 1957
Scientific Survey- Falklands Aug. 1957
Symposium- Physics- Low temp. Solid State, Semiconductors 1956 001
Symposium- Physics- Low temp. Solid State, Semiconductors 1956 002
USSR Academy of Science E.W.R. Steacie Receives Honorary Membership Oct.6 1959
Visit of 4-H Clubs of Renfrew, ON 26 July 1955 001
Visit of 4-H Clubs of Renfrew, ON 26 July 1955 002
Visit of Dr. and Mrs. Ryder to NRC 1955 001
Visit of Dr. and Mrs. Ryder to NRC 1955 002
Visit of President Heuss of Germany 1958 001
Visit of President Heuss of Germany 1958 002
Visit of President Heuss of Germany 1958 003
Visit of President Heuss of Germany 1958 004
Visit of President Heuss of Germany 1958 005
Visit of Prime Minister of Ghana July 1958 001
Visit of Prime Minister of Ghana July 1958 002
Visit of Prime Minister of Ghana July 1958 003
Visit of Prime Minister of Ghana July 1958 004
Visit of Prime Minister of Ghana July 1958 005
Visits of Nigeria (students of Engineering) 1958
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