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Albums : Archives photographiques du CNRC
Images :
Astrophysique boîte 1
Conseil national de recherches du Canada
Appareil photo complet 001
Appareil photo complet 002
Astrophysique 001
Astrophysique 002
Astrophysique 003
Astrophysique 004
Astrophysique 005
Astrophysique 006
Astrophysique 007
Astrophysique 008
Astrophysique 009
Astrophysique 010
Astrophysique 011
Astrophysique 012
Astrophysique 013
Astrophysique 014
Astrophysique 015
Astrophysique 016
Astrophysique 017
Astrophysique 018
Astrophysique 019
Astrophysique 020
Astrophysique 021
Astrophysique 022
Astrophysique 023
Astrophysique 024
Astrophysique 025
Astrophysique 026
Astrophysique 027
Astrophysique 028
Astrophysique 029
Astrophysique 030
Astrophysique 031
Astrophysique 032
Astrophysique 033
Bâtiments 001
Bâtiments 002
Bâtiments 003
Bâtiments 004
Bâtiments 005
Bâtiments 006
Bâtiments 007
Bâtiments 008
Bâtiments 009
Bâtiments 010
Bâtiments 011
Bâtiments 012
Bâtiments 013
Camera 001
Camera 002
Camera 003
Camera 004
Camera Parts 001
Camera Parts 002
Camera Parts 003
Camera Parts 004
Camera Parts 005
Camera Parts 006
Camera Parts 007
J. MacM.- Working out Plans of Meteor Building Principally the Hangars
Meanook Observatory 001
Meanook Observatory 002
Meanook Observatory 003
Meanook Observatory 004
Meanook Observatory 005
Meanook Observatory 006
Meanook Observatory 007
Meanook Observatory 008
Meanook Observatory 009
Meanook Observatory 010
Meanook Observatory 011
Meanook Observatory 012
Meanook Observatory 013
Meanook Observatory 014
Meanook Observatory 015
Meanook Observatory 016
Meanook Observatory 017
Meanook Observatory 018
Meanook Observatory 019
Meanook Observatory 020
Meanook Observatory 021
Meanook Observatory 022
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 001
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 002
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 003
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 004
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 005
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 006
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 007
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 008
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 009
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 010
Meanook Observatory- Panorama 011
Mounting Super Schmidts 001
Mounting Super Schmidts 002
Mounting Super Schmidts 003
Mounting Super Schmidts 004
Mounting Super Schmidts 005
Mounting Super Schmidts 006
Mounting Super Schmidts 007
Mounting Super Schmidts 008
Mounting Super Schmidts 009
Mounting Super Schmidts 010
Mounting Super Schmidts 011
Mounting Super Schmidts 012
Mounting Super Schmidts 013
Mounting Super Schmidts 014
Mounting Super Schmidts 015
Mounting Super Schmidts 016
Mounting Super Schmidts 017
Newbrook Meteor Observatory of Orion Jan. 1953
Optical Work 001
Optical Work 002
Optical Work 003
Optical Work 004
Optical Work 005
Optical Work 006
Rigging Cameras 001
Rigging Cameras 002
Rigging Cameras 003
Rigging Cameras 004
Rigging Cameras 005
Rigging Cameras 006
Rigging Cameras 007
Super Schmidt Assembly 001
Super Schmidt Assembly 002
Super Schmidt Assembly 003
Super Schmidt Assembly 004
Super Schmidt Assembly 005
Super Schmidt Assembly 006
Super Schmidt Assembly 007
Super Schmidt Assembly 008
Super Schmidt Assembly 009
Super Schmidt Assembly 010
Super Schmidt Assembly 011
Super Schmidt Assembly 012
Super Schmidt Assembly 013
Super Schmidt Assembly 014
Super Schmidt Assembly 015
Super Schmidt Assembly 016
Super Schmidt Assembly 017
Super Schmidt Assembly 018
Super Schmidt Assembly 019
Super Schmidt Assembly 020
Super Schmidt Assembly 021
Date de modification :