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Government of Canada
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Science et innovation
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Bibliothèque scientifique nationale
Dépôt numérique du CNRC
Albums : Archives photographiques du CNRC
Images :
Biology Prairie Regional Lab
Conseil national de recherches du Canada
Addition to Annex of the Prairie Regional Lab Architect's Drawing n.d.
Aerial View- University of Saskatchewant c.1952
Aminco High Pressure Hydrogenator 1951
Building the Addition 1976 001
Building the Addition 1976 002
Building the Addition 1976 003
Building the Addition 1976 004
Building the Addition 1976 005
Building the Addition 1976 006
Building the Addition 1976 007
Building the Addition 1976 008
Building the Addition 1976 009
Building the Addition 1976 010
Building the Addition 1976 011
Calotte de barbotage de 8 pouces d'une colonne de distillation 1951
Fermentation- F. Spencer 1953
Fermenteurs de 200 Gal. 1952
Fibre Board From Straw 1956
Fonds pour l'environnement contrôlé
Laboratoire de biochimie 1950
Laboratory Activities n.d. 001
Laboratory Activities n.d. 002
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies 001
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies 002
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies 003
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies 1945
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies 1952
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies environ 1950
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies environ 1952
Le Laboratoire régional des Prairies environ 1953
Prairie Regional Lab with Greenhouse
Prairie Regional Lab- Aerial View n.d.
Prairie Regional Laboratories U. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon 1952
Prairie Regional Labs 1952
Recouvrement de colonne de distillation - usine pilote 1952
Spray Dryer 1951
Staff Event
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