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Dépôt numérique du CNRC
Albums : Archives photographiques du CNRC
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Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical (Turnbull)
Conseil national de recherches du Canada
Aeronautical Display- Aero Library- Propellers from North 1946 001
Aeronautical Display- Aero Library- Propellers from North 1946 002
Aeronautical Display- Aero Library- Propellers from North 1946 003
Aeronautical Display- Aero Library- Propellers from North 1946 004
Aeronautical Display- Aero Library- Propellers from North 1946 005
Aeronautical Museum Plaque 1937
Early Aircraft 1930s-1940s 001
Early Aircraft 1930s-1940s 002
Early Aircraft 1930s-1940s 003
Early Aircraft 1930s-1940s 004
Early Aircraft 1930s-1940s 005
Early Aircraft 1930s-1940s 006
Early Aircraft 1930s-1940s 007
Early Aircraft 1930s-1940s 008
Early Aircraft 1930s-1940s 009
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 001
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 002
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 003
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 004
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 005
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 006
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 007
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 008
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 009
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 010
Early Plans for Aeronautical Museum 1940s-1950s 011
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 001
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 002
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 003
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 004
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 005
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 006
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 007
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 008
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 009
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 010
Flight Research Magnetometer 1950s 011
Historical Aviation Museum- Development of Turnbull Controllable Pitch Propeller Feb. 1930
Historical- Aviation Museum Curtiss Engine from the Silver Dart 001
Historical- Aviation Museum Curtiss Engine from the Silver Dart 002
Historical- Aviation Museum Curtiss Engine from the Silver Dart 003
Historical- Aviation Museum Turnbull's- Variable Pitch Propellor 001
Historical- Aviation Museum Turnbull's- Variable Pitch Propellor 002
L'aéroport d'Uplands Aviation Museum Ottawa 1958 003
L'aéroport d'Uplands Aviation Museum Ottawa 1958 004
L'aéroport d'Uplands Aviation Museum Ottawa 1958 005
L'aéroport d'Uplands Aviation Museum Ottawa 1958 006
L'aéroport d'Uplands Musée de l'aviation Ottawa 1958 000
L'aéroport d'Uplands Musée de l'aviation Ottawa 1958 001
Mechanical Engineering Aerodynamics Propeller- W.R. Turnbull c.1940
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 001
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 002
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 003
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 004
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 005
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 006
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 007
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 008
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 009
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 010
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 011
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 012
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 013
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 014
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 015
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 016
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 017
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 018
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 019
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 020
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 021
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 022
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 023
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 024
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 025
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 026
Mechanical Engineering Early Aeronautical 027
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 001
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 002
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 003
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 004
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 005
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 006
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 007
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 008
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 009
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 010
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 011
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 012
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 013
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 014
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 015
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 016
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 017
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 018
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 019
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 020
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 021
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 022
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council 1929-1951 by W.E.K. Middleton, Published 1984 023
Silver Dart- Turnbull Collection
Turnbull Photos 001
Turnbull Photos 002
Turnbull Photos 003
Turnbull Photos 004
Turnbull Photos 005
Turnbull Photos 006
Wallace Turnbull
Date de modification :