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Science et innovation
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Bibliothèque scientifique nationale
Dépôt numérique du CNRC
Albums : Archives photographiques du CNRC
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Physics and Electrical Engineering 1930-1940
Conseil national de recherches du Canada
Accoustics- Audio Meter KK-114
Amsler Testing Machine KK-121 c.1934
Edwards Mill Documentation File
Electronic Measurement Lab KK-59
Galvanometer Scale, Resistors, Reostat, EEB 1941
Geiger Counter Equipment KK-421
John Street Laboratories
John Street Laboratories Exterior c.1932
John Street Laboratories c.1930
John Street Labs April 1930
John Street Labs c.1930 001
John Street Labs c.1930 002
Lab de détonation - rue John
Laboratoire d'acoustique KK-117
Metrology Lab KK-113
Metrology Lab KK-116
Metrology Lab KK-271
Metrology Lab KK-62
Metrology Lab KK-63
Metrology Lab KK-64
Metrology- Electrical Standards- Electrical Meter KK-80
Metrology- Electricity Meters Laboratory KK-118
Metrology- Optics Lab KK-65
Photo aérienne environ 1939
Physics Laboratory KK-67 001
Physics Laboratory KK-67 002
Physics and Electrical Engineering WRR-33 001
Physics and Electrical Engineering WRR-33 002
Physics and Electrical Engineering WRR-33 003
Physics and Engineering
Physique KK-74
Physique années 1930
Physique environ 1935
Radio Lab- John Street 1930 001
Radio Lab- John Street 1930 002
Rayons X et Radium - Appareil de mesure de rayons Radium KK-115 c.1935
Sphere Gap
Test Coil Assembly- Electrical Engineering Laboratory KK-57
Test Coil Assembly- Electrical Engineering Laboratory Sussex KK-55 c.1935
Test Coil Discharging- Electrical Engineering Laboratory KK-56
Various Continental Stereo Plotters 1939 001
Various Continental Stereo Plotters 1939 002
Various Continental Stereo Plotters 1939 003
Various Continental Stereo Plotters 1939 004
Various Continental Stereo Plotters 1939 005
Various Continental Stereo Plotters 1939 006
Various Continental Stereo Plotters 1939 007
Various Continental Stereo Plotters 1939 008
X-Ray Diffraction Unit KK-420
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